Židovsko pokopališče Lendava - Jewish Cemetery Lendava

Lendava, Lendava, Slovenia


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A Chevra Kadisha formed in Lendava in 1834 purchased land for a cemetery near the village of Dolga Vas. The land enclosed in 1880 now stands on a main road facing a broad vista of fields, a few hundred meters from the Hungarian border. Surrounded by a chainlink fence, the entry is through an Ohel with a large, arched central door flanked by two arched windows. Painted pale yellow with a red tile roof, a plaque inide commemorates the Jewish cemetery in Beltinci, which ceased operation around the turn of the century. Some stones from this cemetery may have been moved to Lendava. The plaque also gives the names of prominent members of the local community from the early 20th century. 176 gravestones are visible in the cemetery, many dating from the second half of the 19th century. The remainder are mostly 20th century. Newer stones made from black marble are generally in good condition. A number of enamelled photographs of the deceased have been removed. Relatively few graves have sculptural decoration. Older stones carved from local sandstone are severely eroded. Several inscriptions commemorate Auschwitz victims. At the center of the cemetery is a Holocaust memorial to the murdered Jews of the Prekmurje region erected by four survivors in 1947. The Ohel and cemetery were restored following an i1989 ncident iin which 43 gravestones were damaged. The cemetery is well maintained, though a number of stones suffer from erosion. [January 2009]
Židovsko pokopališče Lendava - Jewish Cemetery Lendava, opprettet av Srdan Matic, Lendava, Lendava, Slovenia